Tag Archives: Geoff Griffiths


Ten things ‘big’ churches can do that ‘small’ churches can’t

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Have you ever wondered why Spiritualism has never made the progress it should have done? For one of the major reasons, look to our culture of small churches and our failure to outgrow and rationalise them. Small churches are often … Continue reading

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Remembering our Heroes and Sheroes

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Back in the seventies, my wife and I were taking a service on March 24, when I asked the congregation: “What is the special event next Sunday?” “Palm Sunday,” they all murmured as one. “No,” I said, practically stamping my … Continue reading

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New year – new beginnings

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The wrapping paper’s recycled, the decorations are down, and amid resolutions to join the gym, cut down on the wine (or whatever our own particular indulgence might be!) or even just get a few more early nights, we set out … Continue reading

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Heartaches by the numbers

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The main problem with Spiritualism is that most church committees are unaware that there is a problem. That’s because – as our national leaders have told us – we are far too inward-looking. We don’t really know what is happening … Continue reading

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Season’s Greetings to all our Readers

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Paul, Magnus, Geoff and I have been overwhelmed by your reaction to our first issue. Your encouragement, both in comments on this site and in e-mails, means so much to us. Thanks also to those of you who have put … Continue reading

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The grandfather who still cared

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It’s not often that people are referred to the president of a Spiritualist church by the Samaritans, but the lady on the phone told me she’d got my name from them one Spring day in 1980. The lady, Jan C, … Continue reading

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