Spirit of PN

Sue Farrow

It’s now over three months since the last issue of Psychic News rolled off the presses. For the former editorial team there have been some tough times, and we have so much appreciated your messages of encouragement. The one thing we never doubted was that we would eventually return to our regular readers, and hopefully reach many new ones, with a truly independent voice for spirit. We cannot call it Psychic News, but we can certainly continue the spirit and passion of the paper our pioneers set up, hence our new title, Spirit of PN.

Spirit of PN is brought to you by former PN editor Sue Farrow, assistant editor Paul Brett and techno-wizard Magnus Smith. A new and very welcome addition to the team is Geoff Griffiths, who is working incredibly hard to promote and publicise our new venture. We’ll be featuring a fabulous team of writers, including our new ‘mystery’ roving reporter a well-known writer on Spiritualist and psychical topics, whose identity will be revealed in our next issue! Roy Stemman, Geoff Griffiths, Lis and Jim Warwood, Graham Jennings, Feargus O’Connor, Angela Redditch and a number of others will all contribute to Spirit of PN, as will our own Kay Hunter. We’ll aim to bring you up-to-the-minute news coverage along with thought-provoking articles and interviews, plus your own views and comments. Once we’re up and running we’ll introduce a diary column, so be sure to let us know about any exciting or unusual events taking place in your area.

In this first issue you’ll find a wide variety of articles, including an exclusive interview with physical medium Stewart Alexander on the publication of his long-awaited book,  An Extraordinary Journey – the Memoirs of a Physical Medium. See what Geoff Griffiths has to say about how the Samaritans lent a hand to a dead grandfather, and read Lis Warwood’s ideas on what churches and centres can do when there is a shortage of good quality mediumship. You’ll also find my personal tribute to that tireless worker for spirit, Tom Harrison, who moved on to the next life on October 23.

For the time being Spirit of PN will be available exclusively online, and we apologise to readers who prefer to hold a printed copy in their hands. Please bear with us for a little while, and as things grow and develop, we’ll hope to bring you a monthly hard-copy version as well. If you know any former PN readers who don’t have access to the internet, please tell them they are very much in our minds and we will contact them as soon as we have some concrete information about the launch of a printed SPN. In the meantime, why not print off a copy to show them?

Finally, many of you have kindly asked what you can do to help us get going again. Well, there are three  main things:

First spread the word that SPN has been launched and e-mail the link to anyone and everyone you know who is interested in spiritual matters. We’ll be covering a huge range of topics – Spiritualism and spirituality, all types of mediumship, healing, philosophical and ethical issues, psychical research, holistic approaches and much more.

Second don’t hold back! Communicate with us whenever there’s something you want to say. Send us your news and views, and take advantage of our Comments facility to let us and other readers know what you’re thinking.

Third we’ll soon be in a position to take a small number of adverts at very reasonable rates. If you’d like to discuss this, please write to spiritofpn@gmail.com and we’ll contact you to talk about your requirements.

Finally, we cannot make a success of this new venture without your help. Tell us what you think, let us know what you want (and just as importantly, don’t want) to read.

We see this as a spirit-sent opportunity for a brand new start. Please give Spirit of PN your enthusiastic support and help us to make it an open, vibrant and absolutely independent voice for the spirit.

Sue, Paul and the Spirit of PN team


72 responses to “Spirit of PN

  1. Dr Malcolm Lewis

    Hi Sue,

    Nice to see you at Cober on Sunday, great news this, and all the best with your on going ‘work’ !

    All the best for the future to you and the team

    Malcolm and Annemarie

  2. Fantastic, so pleased that you have done this. Will always be glad to help where I can.

    I have placed a notice on my web site for you and a link.


  3. Hi Sue
    Thank you so much . for starting this Newsletter for all of Us

    You provide a great service to every one . Thank you so much

    Art Bosman Netherlands

  4. Hi Sue

    Great News
    Thanks for all your hard work (also all the team)

    All the best mickyb.

  5. Hi, Marilyn Awtry just sent me the news of your new begining. Will pass this on to many in our church. Been a reader of the paper for many years and will look forward to the new project. Thank you so much for all your doing to keep the word of Spiritualism going. I am the pastor of Church of the Living Spirit, NSAC in Phoenix, AZ .

  6. Congratulations and Thank you very much. Good Luck and God’s Speed!!!

  7. It is great news to see the Spirit of PN arising from the ashes of despair brought about by the untimely and merciless closure of Psychic News. I feel honoured to be a part of this first edition of SPN and extend my thanks to the Editor and her committed staff for making this new venture a reality. May it go from strength to strength as people realise that the Spirit of PN will not die, but live on in the minds and hearts of all those who value the existence of a truly independent voice for Spirit.

  8. Congratulations for the initiative to continue 🙂

  9. This is good news for Spiritualism. I wish you every success with this new venture and will help in any way I can.

  10. Brilliant!! Looking forward to some great news, views and peruse all things spiritual. X

  11. Congratulations on getting SPN started, it’s great news. There are many that have been waiting patiently knowing that the team would get it together again. Wish you lots of love and luck, your supporters are with you.

  12. Chris Johnson

    Fantastic News, and a big Thank You to Stewart and Roy for leading the public outcry. And those in Spirit, working as always, unseen (by some of us) but very effective!

  13. Excellent and it is so Good that you will be embracing the digital age, A bright future I am sure, reaching out to as many people as possible, I will post a link on my site and help where I can.

    Love and Blessings

  14. Great news to see the Spirit of PN manifested! Wishing you every success with this much needed venture!

  15. I am delighted to know that Psychic News has now ‘reincarnated’.

    Having known ‘Barbie’ and been reading PN for more than 40 years I was very upset when it was announced that PN had ‘died’.

    As the founder of Healing International I shall promote Spirit of PN to all our 10,400+ members.

    With such a wonderful team of well known writers and Spiritualists involved, Spirit of PN is destined for a successful future.

    I shall be backing all your efforts 150%

  16. Mike Goodall

    Great news Susan and the team; will look into being able to contribute some copy for you in the future as I did with the old PN in the past.


  17. Trevor Dennington

    Well played, people !
    Online periodicals are the future (but it’s not the same for books).
    No printing cost and, more importantly, no postage which is fast becoming an expensive luxury !


  18. Not a day too late my best wishes to you and the team.

  19. I’m glad to see PN coming on strong. It will be nice to have a positive sourse instead of all the negative press we usually get as psychics and healers. Best of luck.

  20. Marcus Lee-Crowther

    Wow this is fantastic news for the spiritual world.

    Congratulations to the team involved no doubt influenced by spirit :o)

    I will of course put this out to our huge loyal community of spiritual and holistic service providers and followers and of course facebook.

    Has anyone created a facebook page for this ?
    I will gladly set up or help if no one has ??

    Will forward onto the Spiritual workers association as well as every little helps :o)

    Wishing all involved much regards and blessings

    Marcus Lee-Crowther

  21. Terry Gardener

    this has already gone Worldwide…. every thinking Spiritualist will be with you as and when they find out..

  22. I’m delighted with this development. As president of a spiritualist charity, the Joseph Carey Psychic Foundation, i will inform our members of the launch of Spirit of PN. Can i ask the editorial team to bear in mind that a great number of spiritualist don’t attend Spiritualist churches, or do so rarely, yet they embrace psychic & spiritual development and acknowledge the worlds of Afterlife. I think your task is to prove that Spiritualism is alive and well, its adherents in every walk of life. I sat with Silver Birch many years ago and my lasting impression is of a philosophy able to reach everyone with an enquiring mind. MB has done his bit ( a mighty bit at that) and i’m sure welcomes this rebirth. Carpe Diem!

  23. Good luck with the publication. I will add a link to the forums section of my website now and scatter some additional links through my sites.

    I get nearly one million hits a month on The Psychics & Mediums Network so hopefully it can create a bit of traffic for you as well as boost your page rank on Google.

    Once SOPN is in a printed format I may be able to help in other ways too.

    Years ago, when I ran an advertising agency, I designed the mast head for Psychic News for Tony Ortzen. I may have the original artwork sculling around if this is of any use to you?


  24. Congratulations. A door closes and a window opens. How wonderful. And how courageous on your part for helping the phoenix rise out of the ashes to re-group with a new direction.
    Word is spreading fast here in Canada.

  25. Mary Kersey

    Congratulations. You have been missed and I am so looking forward to reading Spirit of PN. I will forward the link to as many people as I know

  26. The fewer the words, the better the prayer.

  27. keith mcquin-roberts

    great news – fingers crossed for plenty of publicity – good job guys!


  28. This was fantastic news!
    I will put a link on my website if it`s ok.
    BTW thanks for meeting you at Cober, hope to see you next year too.


  29. Hugh Davis J.V.Trustee

    Congratulations and the best of luck in your new venture.
    You have our full support.

  30. Ann Harrison

    Tom and I knew that this would come, with the passionate determination you all had. In the midst of sorrow this is a shaft of pure sunlight and the news of its arrival is already being broadcast throughout my address book.

    I love the easy way I can go between articles and for those who have difficulty in seeing it is easy to read. Tom would have loved reading it when he got up, as he always did, at 6am.
    Well done all of you.
    Ann and (I know I can say) Tom

  31. Hi trevor . all my books are free of charge On my website

  32. Louise Dobson

    Thankyou all so much for the great news. You are providing an essential service to both sides.
    With warmest wishes for your future success
    Louise Dobson

  33. Welcome Back!
    This is terrific news for all Spiritualists throughout the world.
    A truly independent mouthpiece for Spiritualism in a great format.

    To try and help support I have created a new category on my Forum. This gets a huge number of visitors, I do not know the extent of this traffic because I have left the forum open to non registered visitors as a resource to all Spiritualists.

  34. Dear people,
    I’m so glad PN has a worthy successor under the same editors.
    PN was very much missed. Here in Holland there’s not much spiritualistic activity, and I needed the broader view. I’ll send it to the people whom I know will be interested. All the good luck and guidance for you all, and thanks!

  35. Congratulations on getting the paper together again. I have put a link on my website.

  36. Mike Goodall

    The link is also on the Littleport, Ely and District Spiritualist’s website now.
    I’m sure it will quickly circulate on the web and wish it all the success that it deserves.

  37. Stewart Esler

    Sue and all at Spirit of PN
    I too would like to wish you and the team all the best, it’s also great to see all the support.
    Sue it was also great to see you last week along with a lot of the names listed here.

  38. Sheelagh Wellman

    Just come across news that PN survived albeit progressive new venture/ name. Will gladly pass this news on!
    Promising, supportive comments abound.
    Barbanell smiling no doubt from above!
    Over to us to continue to support,subscribe and contribute!
    Sending thoughts of encouragement, hope and success to you all.
    Well done! x

  39. Bill Dingley

    Congratulations and warm wishes for the future to Sue and the team.

  40. Dave Gilmour

    I had been away from Spritualism for a while and I was saddened by the demise of Psychic News. A great loss to Spritualism! Well a phoenix does rise from the ashes and good luck and best wishes for a long future.


  41. Great news !! Determination certainly pays off…Best Wishes for continued success too…
    But what of Psychic Press ???
    Anything likely to be resurrected there ??

  42. l have been a long time reader of PN, l even had a letter made an editorial.
    l have missed the PN, l use to get this at the local shop… I remember so many different articles, there was a funny one l cannot remember who did it…

    congratulations on the new adventure, god bless, linda

  43. Best wishes for your new venture

  44. john rickwood

    Hi Sue congratulations, when one door closes another opens, so all the very best JR

  45. Richard Davey

    Thank you. This is fantastic news!
    When I learned of PN’s situation in August, I wanted to play a part in keeping the flame alive as I worked for PN in the late 80’s. Since then I majored in online journalism and now work in the field of e-learning, ICT coordination and exploring digital intelligence for the world’s largest international cultural relations organisation.

    It made absolute sense to see the situation with the SNU as a prompt for PN to move into the 21st century. We are in the midst of a revolution in terms of Web 2.0 and the emergence of interactive media. What you have started here is exactly where the new media is going. It’s not about a one-sided editor and journalists issuing things to a passive readership anymore. It’s about building communities and social networks … online.

    I set up a wiki and Twitter account hoping that these would be noticed and prompt somebody to allow the phoenix to be reborn. Whether or not these had any direct influence, I am delighted to say “mission accomplished”. I’ll get the wiki to forward people to this site, and I’ll notify all the Twitter followers of your launch and email you later with the account details in the hope you’d like to Twitter alongside this publication.

    Could I suggest that you just have a downloadable PDF of PN, which can be easily printed and shared with those who don’t have Internet access. There are various debates about the ‘digital divide’, but I think we have to accept that print-based media is a thing of the past, but also accept that some interested parties, especially the older generation, don’t use the Internet.

    However, most of my work rests on the point that younger generations grew up with digital technology. They are ‘digital natives’. What you are doing here is, to my mind, nothing less than bringing Spiritualism into the 21st century, which will allow you to bring the message to a much larger audience of younger people. Please be aware of that, because fossilised organisations cannot keep up with the rapid shift in consciousness and communication that is happening right now.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you set up seances in Second Life (http://secondlife.com) and running workshops and other events as webcasts.

    Lo imposible es el fantasma de los timidos y el refugio de los cobardes.

    Keep up the Great Work 😉

  46. Hi Folks- glad to have you back. Perhaps you might be interested in an article or more from me? I’m a Spiritualist medium of 40+years, a Registered Art Therapist, and a Cultural Anthropologist who’s field work and dissertations are on Spiritualism and mediumship, and I have a current article on my fieldwork 1979-1984 in Issue 2 of the new online journal Paranthropology out of UK. Thanks. PB, Nanaimo, BC, VP/Resident Medium, Two Worlds Spiritualist Centre, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

  47. Denzil & Kay Fairbairn

    Thanks to you and your team for your perseverence, hard work and inspiration in fulfilling so many peoples hopes for the return of an independent Spiritualist newspaper…we look forward to future publications.
    Best Wishes
    Denzil & Kay

  48. It would be wonderful if you can give us a insight of spiritualism that is not corrupted by the dogma of the SNU. just pure spiritualism without the ego of spiritists.In many ways to go back tothe days when spirit choose who were mediums and not the self seeking way things are going today.

    • Hi Regilling .. I agree with you whole heartedly .

      We have to be free , of all selfishness .. Free of bondage as well .

      then Spirit will open up . to everyone .. The time will come soon . art

  49. Peter Raggett

    Good to see you back. Look forward to you regaining the archives and original title in due course.

  50. Phil Hotchkin

    Great News – the Spirit of PN has emerged from the ashes of Psychic News. Lets hope the true spiritual philosophy starts flowing again from guides like White Eagle, Silver Birch, Red Cloud, and Zodiac. It would be wonderful if this new internet publication contained up to date spirit teachings from well known guides. Any mediums who have direct channel links with any of these guides please contact the editor.


    Well done for tackling this new venture! All the very best!
    Brigitte Rix

  52. Freddie Giddings

    We have been away hence the late post. It was lovely seeing you up at Cober Hill and many, many congratulations on this new venture. We are sure that Spiritualists all over the world will support you and your team.

    Freddie Giddings & Belinda Olin

  53. In all this very happy news I feel the need to draw attention to some crucial information which came to hand today and sadly drags the view back to the death of Psychic Press (1995)

    Many on here may be creditors of Psychic Press (1995) I wonder how many of these have received their information about the Creditors Meeting, Proof of Debt and Proxy forms.

    We know that subscribers, who are owed money for PN issues not received have not been notified. There was some legal argument about their rights. However, it may appear the liquidators are going to allow subscribers to lodge proxies following the lead taken by Berley’s in the previous cancelled liquidation

    We are also aware that the list of Creditors given to the liquidator, by the SNU, was incomplete because some creditors who proved their debts with Berleys and lodged a proxy have not been notified.

    All still have rights in thsi matter. Belatedly the SNU have put up links allowing acces to the forms
    They have also suggested they may contact the Charities Commision to get authority to pay some creditors from the SNU

    There is very little time to act and lodge a proxy. Use pdf format to send both to patricia.marsh@marshhammond.co.uk

    All forms must be there by 12 noon Friday 12th UK time

    There is more about this on our forum here
    You do not have to register to access this, the forum is open as a resource to all Spiritualists although to post you must register

  54. Martin Harrison

    Great news, refills the gap left by psychic news.

  55. Val Appleton

    It was lovely to read Spirit of PN, just like revisiting an old friend who has been missed dreadfully, thank you all.

  56. Mary Kersey

    Does anyone know if the Psychic News bookshop online has been closed too? I was at AFC last week and every time I walked down the place was shut. Also when I go on line there is no link to the site.

    • Hi – yes Psychic Press has closed down since Sept – including website & shop. Was there a book you were looking for ?

  57. Mary Kersey

    Thanks Karl. No no special book but looking for a good Spiritualist book website.

  58. Mike Goodall

    Amazon.co.uk do most of the modern books on Spiritualism Mary.

  59. Can anyone help ?
    I am trying to find as much as possible on Alfred Walter Austen – PN editor after WWII – I believe he came from Kent – but am not sure…
    thanks in advance 🙂

  60. I am so thankful to you Sue and your dedicated team of helpers that have made this most important venture come to life. You are like a breath of fresh air bringing such a powerful message to us all.

    What an inspiration!

  61. Wonderful Warm & Welcoming news that the Spirit of PN lives on! Congratulations to all involved in helping to bring this about. Special thanks to Roy Stemman and also the excellent Spiritualismlink forum for keeping us up to date with progress throughout. xx

  62. Patricia Smith

    How wonderful to find out that the spirit of PN still lives on albeit on line. I read PN every week for nearly 30 years and have missed it since it went out of publication. So good to know it is back with us.

  63. Excellent news! My best wishes to you and all involved; I have some articles to send out shortly and you will be first on my list.

  64. Excellent news you are all Pioneers my best wishes.
    Ralph Napolitano

  65. GRANGER Michel

    As French subscriber of PSYCHIC NEWS since 1972, I am very sad each week for no reception of this journal in my post box.

    Can we hope the return, one day, of an equivalent?

    Best wishes.

    Michel GRANGER

  66. It has taken me some time to find out about this site, but I’m so glad that the good work will continue. May you prosper and may Truth always be our watchword.
    Mike Doig, Trustee of The Lynwood Fellowship.

  67. Welcome back PN. What a great example of spirit return. When I was a bus driver years ago, I used have 25 freecopies sent to me every month and at the end of each journey, I used to place one on one of the seats for anyone of my passengers who was interested to read. They were always gone when I got to the end of the journey. This shows there is a thirst for spiritual knowledge. Pass on the good news to everyone. Love and light to you all. Paul Shave.

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